Tuesday, 20 October 2020

The Art Of Letting Go

I was going through one of the Ted talks videos which give you an insight into other people's experiences and messages to make changes in our own for a better life....

I always felt that it was easier to give a Ted talk than implement it..... But it's not so.... You could give a talk only when you experience something in your own life which could be an eye opener to you to bring the necessary changes in your life. 

We have always heard that change is the only permanent thing.... But ironically it's the only thing you have to consistently do to make yourself adapt to situations which confront you...

I realised that the word CHANGE is actually meant to let go...let go of our insecurities and comfort zones and trust the universe to do its course without our interference in its workings 

So does that mean we don't exercise our free will.... NO..... Free will is the ability to adapt to situations which presents itself...It does not mean making choices according to our preferences....

 If it's a disease situation accept it first, then find the way to find a solution to cure it.... If it's a relationship problem first accept it and then see what best you could do to help it become better.... If it's a financial crisis.. 
 Accept the situation, question yourself why this situation arose , work on solving it....
These choices are not free will.... Accepting your situation and making changes in your attitude, response and workings are the only free will decisions that exist. 

If we are able to let go of questioning the why's of happenings i believe we will be able to live our beautiful small span of life in a dignified, authentic way...

Ego, pride, beliefs, wanting to control are all the big free wills we have.... expensive and not freeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.... Let go of these... πŸ˜€

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


The soul screams.... "I want silence" ....... I ask, "What's that?"
She says, "Don't talk"
I, "Are u mad?" 

She is mute..... I start asking, questioning, demanding, reprimanding.... Shhhhh.... Shhhhh.... She waves me off.... Quiet... Be still...
This seems new to me..... What would I do.... I am anxious.... Not think... Not ponder, not analyze..... Noooo.... I can't let her out of hand......

I vehemently disrupt her and get miffed with her.... For not giving me her full attention..... I.....wait....try again.... She is off.... In bliss..... Who am I? .... I am her mind...

She has the look of pure innocence... Playing like the soft waves which,, soundlessly dash against the shore..... That look... The feel which I have never seen in her before....
She is in love.... With silence..... Melting into the bliss of its purpose where I don't exist....

I feel alone, I'm not used to this.... I try to draw her attention and realize it's futile...... Think it's better to be with her for a moment watching her......
I enter in the love affair and.........
I don't exist...... I.... She..... Silence, are one where each of us are just there.......
Ecstasy pure love, freedom......... 
"Just BE."